New Class: Develop WordPress Themes, Part 1

Do you want to design WordPress themes? This class is the perfect place to start.
Topher uses Underscores, a very popular starter theme, to introduce you to all the key concepts behind WordPress themes.
The class starts with a tour of WordPress theme files, introducing the naming system for pages, categories, custom posts types and more. You’ll see how WordPress’ template hierarchy enables you to design specific pages.
In the second half of the class, Topher talks about PHP functions and template tags, which allow you to safely customize your site’s functionality.
What comes after this introduction?
This class is the first in a completely re-written guide to WordPress theming. Over the next few weeks, look for a whole series of brand-new classes on WordPress theme design.
Outline of the WordPress Theme Development Class
- Introduction to Themes
- File Review
- Hierarchy of Tools
- Functions Part 1
- Functions part 2
- Template Tags
- Index Templates
- More Template Files
- Comments Template and More
- Summary
How to Take the Introduction to WordPress Theme Development Class
If you’re an OSTraining member, you can click here to take the Introduction to WordPress Theme Development Class.