Our Drupal Views Slideshow Class is Live

We’re delighted to launch our latest class, “Drupal 7 Views Slideshow“.
This class is taught by Brian Lewis from Modules Unraveled and will show you how to create great slideshows in Drupal.
The Views Slideshow module is one of the most popular modules for Drupal. It can be used to create a slideshow of anything that can be displayed with Views!
An introductory video from the class
{snippet viewsslideshowvideo}
What’s in the Views Slideshow class?
In Part 1 of this class Brian introduces us to the Views Slideshow module and walks us through the installation of all the necessary modules.
In Part 2 we create a content type, the necessary views and work on how they are displayed on the resulting page.
In Part 3 we add both text and image pagination to the slideshows and learn how to place them in different positions.
In Part 4 we create a slideshow from content items, overlay text and learn how to use arrows instead of text for our slideshow controls.
Finally, in Part 5 we learn about the Flexslider module, which when used in conjunction with Views Slideshow, is a powerful way to configure your slideshows.
Views Slideshow class syllabus
- Introducing Views Slideshow
- Installation
- Configuring the Image Styles & Content Type
- Creating the Initial Views for the Slideshow
- Displaying the Featured Content Block
- Configuring Transitions
- Configuring Actions
- Adding Controls and Slide Counters
- Scaling the Block Height
- Adding a Slideshow Pager
- Adding Pagers and Controls Below the Block
- Image Pagers and Text Over Slideshows
- Creating a Slideshow of Site Content
- Adding Fields & Pagers to Content Slideshows
- Displaying Text Over Image Slides
- Linking to External Sites
- Installing JSON2.js for Custom Options
- Using Arrows as Controls Instead of Text
- Installing Flex Slider for Views Slideshow
- Creating and Editing Option Sets
- Creating Slideshows with Multi-Value Fields
- Creating Slideshows as a Views Style