How to Manage Users in Ghost

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We earlier wrote about Ghost 0.5, which was released on 11th August with much anticipated Multi-User support.

This opens the door for better collaboration as finally we can create multiple users in a Ghost blog and assign them different roles.

In this post, we’re going to show you several ways to manage your Ghost users:

  • Inviting new users
  • Changing user roles
  • Deleting users
  • Changing the post author
  • Changing the blog owner

Inviting new users in Ghost

Here’s how you invite a new user:

  • Login to your Ghost blog, and then click on “Settings”.
  • Under “Settings”, click on the tab “Users”.
  • A new button will be visible labelled “New User”. Click this button to open a dialog box with a form.
  • Enter the new user’s email address and the role to be assigned to them.
  • Enter the user’s email address and select a role and click on “Send Invitation now”.

The user you just invited will receive an email with a link to activate their account.

Once the user clicks on the activation link, they will be taken to an account creation form where they can enter their name and set a password:


Until this new user activates their account, they will be listed separately in the “Users” section.

If you accidentally invited a wrong person, you can revoke the invite by clicking on the “Revoke” link next to their email address. Or, in case they failed to receive the activation email, you can resent the email by clicking on the “Resend” link.


Changing user roles in Ghost

Just like creating new users, changing roles of existing users is also simple.

  • Login and go to “Settings”
  • Under “Settings” click on the “Users” tab.
  • Click on the user who’s role you wish to change
  • You would now see their profile details.
  • Within this form is a “Role” field with a dropdown. Simply choose the appropriate role and click save. When the user logins they would find additional or reduced capabilities based on the new role.

Deleting users in Ghost

Here’s how to delete a user in Ghost:

  • Login and go to “Settings”
  • Under “Settings” click on the “Users” tab.
  • Click on the user who’s role you wish to change
  • Above their cover image and next to “Save” button you would find a gear (cogwheel) icon. Clicking it shows 2 options. Click on “Delete”.
  • You would now be shown a confirmation dialog box. If you are sure about deleting this user and all the content posted by them, click on the “Delete User” button to confirm.

NOTE:Deleting a user also deletes all content (posts and pages) posted by them. If you want to avoid losing the content created by this user, you can change the authorship of posts and pages by following the steps provided below.


Changing the post author in Ghost

Post authorship is set when a user creates a post or a page. The ability to the change the authorship of content (post / page) comes in handy when you want to delete a user but keep all the content they created.

Here’s how to change author of content:

  • Login to the Ghost backend
  • Select the post / page whose authorship you want to change
  • Click on the gear (cogwheel) icon above the post content next to the edit “Pencil” icon.
  • From the “Author” dropdown, select the name of the user to whom you want to give the post authorship and then click at anywhere.
  • You can also change the authorship when you are editing a post by clicking on the gear icon.

Changing the blog owner in Ghost

The user with the role “Owner” is initially the user created during blog creation. This is the super user with complete access to every single feature of the Ghost blog. The ownership can be transferred to any other user who has an “administrator” role. The steps to change the blog owner are similar to deleting a user.

To change the ower blog owner:

  • Login and go to “Settings”
  • Under “Settings” click on the “Users” tab.
  • Click on the user whose role you wish to change (should be a user with the role of administrator)
  • Above their cover image and next to “Save” button you would find a gear (cogwheel) icon. Clicking it shows 2 options. Click on “Make Owner”.
  • You will now be shown a confirmation dialog box. Click on “Yup, I’m sure” if you want to proceed.

To change ownership back again, you would have to login as the user whom you just made an “Owner” and repeat the above steps.


  • Harish Chouhan

    Harish is a designer & WordPress developer from Mumbai. He runs a web design agency "Dreams Media" and writes about random stuff on his personal website

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