Learn Drupal 8 Layout and Theming By Taking the Class

Theming and Layouts in Drupal 8

One of the most frequently asked questions among our Drupal students is “How do you control the look and feel of Drupal sites?”

If you really would like to be in control of layouts, you need to learn theming.

We’ve created a “Drupal 8 Theming and Layout” video class to help you. In this post, you will take a look at the class and what you can learn while watching the lessons.

This is not a course for Drupal beginners. Before starting it, you should know how to:

  • Navigate the administration area to manage essential tasks.
  • Set up a basic Drupal site.
  • Install and configure modules.
  • Set up content types with fields and manage their display.

In the first few videos, you will learn how to set up your Drupal 8 learning environment. This is really important.

You are encouraged to not just watch these videos, but to do all the tasks along with the class instructor. It will really solidify the training for you.

  • Module 1 will introduce you to Drupal theming fundamentals. You will create a theme from a clean slate, and we’ll provide some great resources to help you along the way.
  • In Module 2 you will work with customizing a theme using template and function overrides.
  • In Module 3 we will introduce you to sub-theming and explore some great base themes at Drupal.org.
  • In Module 4 you will take a design mockup provided by our graphic designer and create an entire Drupal theme to match it. This is really at the heart of this course.
  • In Module 5 we will give you some homework, to help you solidify all the training.

Since this is a video course, we encourage you to use the Pause and Rewind buttons. There will be times when you may want to pause the video, to read something or finish the task before you move on.

There might also be a time when you would just need to see or hear a concept over again before you continue. This is very easy to do and that’s the best part of the video training.

We do encourage you not only to watch but practice. We’ve structured each section of this class with an introduction to the presentation, a demonstration and then a setup task to be done.

You will learn more and it will stay with you longer if you do the tasks.

Are you ready for the “Drupal 8 Layout and Theming” class? Sign up now.


  • Alex Smirnov

    Born from Ukrainian mother and Russian father, Alex migrated to the United Kingdom in 1999. He is a self-taught Microsoft Certified Professional. He enjoys learning content management systems and helping web site developers make the most of them.

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6 years ago

Hello, it’s not clear to which course you are referring to. Would you mind to provide a direct link, please?

Steve Burge
6 years ago
Reply to  Maik Kaune

Sorry, Maik. I added a link: https://www.ostraining.com/class/d8-themes/

6 years ago
Reply to  steve

Aah, I see. I thought I missed a “new” course. Thanks!

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