Find the Link to a Tab in Drupal QuickTabs

One OSTraining member asked for a way to get the direct link to a tab while using the Quick Tabs module for Drupal.
He wanted to figure out the URL to open the page so that his selected tab always shows first.
In this short tutorial, I’ll tell you how to do it.
Step #1. Get the link of the tab
In my example, I want to find out the direct link of the second tab with the label, “Education”.
- Right click on the tab.
- Click “Copy link address”.

The copied link will look like this:
In this example, “#tabs-0-64074600-1455291916-2” works as selector for this particular tab.
Step #2. Use the link
- Test the link by pasting it into a new browser tab.
- Press the “Enter” key.

The page will load with the selected tab open.

Is it possible to use quicktabs module in drupal8? If yes then how…please show a demonstration