Add a Spellchecker to Your Drupal WYSIWYG Editor


Most of us are used to having a spellchecker when we type. If we use Microsoft Word, Google Docs and most other writing tools, you’re used to seeing a red line under your spelling mistakes.

If you’d like to add a similar spellchecker to your Drupal WYSIWYG editor, here’s how to do it …

Step 1) Installation

In order to add a spellchecker your WYSIWYG editor, it makes sense that you first need a WYSIGYG editor installed. In this example we’re using TinyMCE. Click here for our instrucitons on installing TinyMCE.

We’re going to install the Wysiwyg SpellCheck module:

This installation will take a few minutes at least, so please follow these steps carefully.

In writing this tutorial, only the Development release worked successfully for me. It might be worth trying the Recommend release first and then th Development release if that doesn’t work for you.


We also need to install the TinyMCE plugin that will provide the spellchecker.

  • Login to your Drupal site files.
  • Browse to /sites/all/libraries/tinymce/.
  • Locate the /plugins/ folder.
  • Upload the /spellchecker/ folder here, as in the image below.
  • The contents of the spellchecker folder should look like they do below:
  • In your Drupal site, go to Reports > Status Report.
  • Check that Wysiwyg TinyMCE spellchecker is marked as “Installed correctly”.
  • In your browser, visit this URL: Visit http://YOURSITE/sites/all/libraries/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/spellchecker/rpc.php
  • You should see the image below. If you don’t, check that the permissions are correct for your TinyMCE and Spellchecker files and folders.

2) Using the Spellchecker

Now that the installation is complete, we can use the spellchecker.

  • Go to Configuration > Wysiwyg profiles.
  • Click edit next to a text format.
  • Open the Buttons and Plugins area.
  • Scroll down and enable the Spell check button.
  • Go to write a new content item.
  • You know that you’ve enabled the spellchecker correcty if you have a dropdown arrow next to the spellcheck. That dropdown will show different languages available in the spellchecker.
  • The spellchecker won’t run automatically. Click the button to make it operate.


  • Steve Burge

    Steve is the founder of OSTraining. Originally from the UK, he now lives in Sarasota in the USA. Steve's work straddles the line between teaching and web development.

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12 years ago

What browser today doesn’t already have a spellchecker built-in?

12 years ago

dalin, IE does not spell check the input in this text area.

It nice to know that there are open source tools to make Windows users appear more educated. 🙂

Garry Lachman
Garry Lachman
11 years ago

WYSIWYG Here, Amazing Chrome extension that convert any textarea or input to WYSIWYG Editor.


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