Automatically and Regularly Post to Twitter and Facebook

This tutorial will show you how to automatically update your Twitter or Facebook account.
This is a technique designed for people with a large amount of existing content who want to make it available to their followers.
Step 1: Set up an RSS Feed
In order to fee Twitter automatically and regularly, you’ll need an RSS feed with plenty of posts. Whether you use WordPress, Joomla, Drupal or something else, the key is to have enough posts written that you can set it and forget it. If you want 2 automated tweets every day for 2 months, you’ll need over 60 posts already written.
Step 2: Sign up for

This tutorial relies on which is a great service for posting to your social networks. We’re simply going to be using one of their more advanced features. So, go to and register.
Step 3: Add a Route

We’re going to get started by adding a route which will connect are our RSS feed (our “Source”) to our social network (our “Destination”).
Click Add Route in the top-left corner of the screen as in the image above.
Give your route a name as in the image below:

Click add in the corner of the Sources box:

Check the New box and you’ll now see the main screen for adding your RSS feed. Enter your feed URL:

Click Feed Update and choose your settings for automatic posting. In the example below there will be one post made every 6 hours. The articles in the feed will also be randomized so a post from months ago is as likely to show as a post from yesterday.

Click save source.
Step 4: Add a destination

Now click add on the right-hand side of the page in the Destinations box. This is where your posts will be sent to. You’ll be taken through a process of authenticating your Twitter or Facebook account.

Step 5: Finished! Start testing

When you’ve authenticated your social account, your page will look like the image above.
Now that you’ve finished, it’s important to test how your posts are coming out: