OSTraining Turns 5 With Several Announcements

Five years ago, on February 1st 2010, we launched the membership area here at OSTraining.
When we launched, we had no employees and only 50 videos. We were really, really grateful that many of you took a gamble on us and signed up as members.
With our fifth year anniversary here, we’re fortunate to have worked with over 30,000 students; and together with you, we’ve published 100,000 forum posts, 2,500 videos, and 1,800 blog posts.
However, the numbers don’t mean as much as the people we’ve met.
The best thing for all of us has been being in business long enough to see the fruits of our training. We’ve seen people come to our classes, then start companies, get jobs, expand into new industries and even just make their parents proud.
Today, we’re getting ready for another 5 years.
This week, to celebrate our 5th birthday, we’re making several announcements that will go a long way towards setting our path from 2015 to 2020. Here are the announcements:
- More topics and videos
- The OSTraining book series
- Simple Renew is stable
- Turning Around a City series
Thank you to all of you who are or were members.
Thanks to Stacey, Rod, Eddie, Nick, Valentin, Bill, Anderson and all the teachers and staff who have helped power the site.
We plan to make this week the launching pad for more years with our team, more training and more stories of your success.

Happy Birthday OSTraining! May you celebrate other many and many years of success!
Thanks Chiara – nice Thank You cards I see in the photo there 🙂
Happy BDAY!!!
Cheers, fellow Florida Man!
Happy Birthday OSTraining 🙂
Thanks Esther!
Congratulations! Thank your for the card and I really appreciate everything you all do!
You’re more than welcome, Darlene.
Chiara did a special design for the cards for this event.