End of 2011 Training Round-up

2011 is drawing to an end and I hope it’s been a great year for you.
Here’s a quick round-up of where our staff have been in November and where we hope to meet you in December (in short: Ohio, Lousiana, Florida, Washington, New York, Atlanta and Boston).
Where We Were in November
- Boston Joomla Training: Jen Kramer led a two-day class with a big turn-out from the famous Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) who are adopting open source in a big way. Her next Boston class will be in March.
- DrupalCamp Austin: Visit our events blog to catch up with recaps on several key presentations including the keynote by Drupal 7 co-maintainer Angie Byron.
- DrupalCamp Indianapolis: Rod Martin presented an hour-long Absolute Beginners guide to Drupal and you can see the full video here.
December Events
- DrupalCamp Ohio: Rod will be presenting the Absolute Beginners Guide to Drupal again.
- Drupal on the Bayou: Steve Burge will be presenting on Training Your Drupal Clients.
- Drupal Commerce training: We recently covered Drupal Commerce. The lead developers of the platform are giving training in Florida. Click here to find out more about DrupalCommerce training and you can use the coupon code “ostraining” for a $200 discount.
December Joomla Classes
- Washington D.C. – Nov 30 (Beginner)
- Washington D.C. – Dec 1 (Intermediate)
- Tampa – Dec 13 (Beginner)
- Tampa – Dec 14 (Intermediate)
- New York – Dec 14 (Beginner)
- Atlanta – Dec 19 (Beginner)
- Atlanta – Dec 20 (Intermediate)