Check Out the New Video Player for OSTraining Classes

Check Out the New Video Player for OSTraining Classes

This week, you’ll find an updated video player when you watch OSTraining classes.

We’ve added some new features, and moved some buttons to more logical locations.

The image below shows the updated player:

New OSTraining video player

One of the best new features is the in-video preview. If you hover your mouse over the bottom status bar, you’ll get a preview of the video at that moment in time. This makes it much easier to find specific spots inside a video.

Preview on the video timeline

Another new feature is the “Quality” setting. If you click the cog, you’ll see that “Quality” is set to “Auto”.

Speed and quality settings on the videos

This “Auto” setting means that we’ll automatically server the right video size for your connection.

  • If you’re on a mobile phone or have a slow bandwidth, we’ll automatically serve you a smaller video size so that your video won’t spend a long time loading.
  • If you’re on a super-fast connection, we’ll serve you the full 1080p version of the video.

The player is smart enough to adjust automatically *during* a video if your connection speed changes. Also, you’re free to choose the quality of video you watch.

Quality settings on the videos

If you click the cog icon, you’ll also see a “Speed” setting. Some users want to watch videos at a higher speed so that they can move more quickly. You can also choose a lower speed if you think our teachers talk too quickly.

Speed settings on the videos

What else is new?

  • Accessibility: The new videos are fully accessible to screen readers. All viewers can now use keyboard shortcuts, like tabbing, to control the player.
  • Flash is dead: There’s no longer a Flash version of the videos in the new player. Google Chrome has announced it will soon no longer support Flash in Chrome, and Apple abandoned Flash long ago. However, a fall-back version of the video player is available for users on old version of Internet Explorer.

Where did all these new features come from?

  • We host video with Wistia and are using their new Vulcan player.
  • We use OSWistia Pro from Joomlashack to embed the videos and add extra features such as the 10 second rewind button.


  • Steve Burge

    Steve is the founder of OSTraining. Originally from the UK, he now lives in Sarasota in the USA. Steve's work straddles the line between teaching and web development.

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When will this new player come to JoomlaShack?

8 years ago
Reply to  Felix Rimfrost

@felixrimfrost Do you mean for videos in Joomlashack University. Shouldn’t be long at all.
Or for OSVimeo Pro users? It’s already available for them to download on [url=][/url]
Reply to  steve

Yes, I meant JU.
Thanks, thats great! 🙂

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