Meet OSTraining at SANDcamp in San Diego

If you’re in Southern California, we’d love to meet you in January.
SANDcamp is the big, annual Drupal event in San Diego.
SANDCamp is being held in January in a beautiful location in downtown San Diego, close to Sea World and the beaches.
If you’re looking for an excuse to find some January sunshine, you really should come and join us.
OSTraining is holding Drupal Training at SANDcamp
Rod will be giving our famous Absolute Beginners Guide to Drupal on January 23rd.
You’ll learn all of the key concepts you need to understand, navigate and begin building a Drupal site. We’ve taught new Drupal users from the White House to Harvard and the New York Transit Commission to the small business owner. We’ll help it make sense.
- Click here to see the details of the Absolute Beginners Guide to Drupal.
- Click here for the other Drupal training at SANDcamp.
Details About SANDcamp
- January 23rd: All of the training classes
- January 24th and 25th: 2 days of sessions
- Cost: $12 for both days
- Venue:
Here’s a video of last year’s SANDcamp to entice you to attend in 2014:
{snippet sandcampvideo}