Thank You to InMotion Hosting: 50 Drupal 8 Videos

Last year, we launched our Drupal 8 Kickstarter project.
Our goal was to help as many people as possible to use Drupal 8. We believe we’re succeeding.
The Drupal 8 Beginner class just passed 1/4 million views on YouTube and aim is to reach 1 million views by the end of 2016.
We’ve also completed a whole series of 50 more videos that will help people with the Drupal 8 sites.
These videos are free to watch on YouTube. They focus on site building and site speed, and also maintenance. The classes cover installing, updating, moving backing up and keeping your Drupal site secure.
I want to say a big “Thank You!” to Mike Zyvoloski and his team at InMotion Hosting who made these videos possible. Here’s the list of videos that they supported:
- Drupal 8 Site Building
- Installing Drupal 8 Sites
- Backing Up Drupal 8 Sites
- Updating Drupal 8 Sites
- Drupal 8 Performance
- Moving a Drupal 8 Site
- Drupal 8 Security
We also have a special InMotion offer for you. If you’re looking for a great hosting company for your new Drupal 8 site, give InMotion serious consideration …