Our New WordPress Theme Design Class

Just over five weeks ago we launched a huge new WordPress Intermediate class.
We now have another WordPress treat for OSTraining members: our new WordPress Theme Design class.
You’ll start with a Photoshop file and by the end of the class will have a WordPress theme that is ready to use.
This class is free for all OSTraining members. If you’re not a member yet, click to find out about joining.
What Does the WordPress Theme Design Class Cover?
In the first part of the class, we’ll introduce our class project for the class and show you the tools you’ll need to build WordPress themes:
- Introducing the WordPress Theming Course
- Resources You’ll Need (Mac)
- Resources You’ll Need for WordPress Themes on Windows
In the second part of the class, we show you how WordPress themes work and how to plan your project:
- Theme Template Tour
- Starter Theme: Startbox Feature Tour
- Planning: Sidebars, Widgets and More
- Examining Startbox Div Structure
- Create Some Content, Widgets and Main Navigation
In the third part of the class, we take your design image and use Photoshop to make it ready for WordPress:
- Photoshop Slicing – Part 1
- Photoshop Slicing – Part 2
In the fourth part of the class, you’ll learn how CSS is used to implement your design:
- Styling the Header and Logo
- Styling and Placing the Main Navigation
- Hooks and Sidebars
- Styling the Homepage Top Widgets – Part 1
- Styling the Homepage Top Widgets – Part 2
- Styling the General Widgets
- Styling Internal Pages Part 1
- Styling Internal Pages Part 2
- Styling Internal Pages Part 3
- Styling the Author Page
- Styling the Search Results
In the fifth part of the class, you’ll learn how to design for custom content types:
- Overview of Custom Content Types
- Styling Custom Archive Page and Custom Loop
- Create and Style a Custom Single Page
In the sixth part of the class, we cover some useful tips on how to properly build your themes:
- Filtering Content with PHP
- Properly Including Javascript and CSS Files
In the final part of the class, you’ll learn how to build your theme using the parent / child theme structure:
- Start from Scratch or Use a Starter Theme?
- Hacking the Header Template
- Hacking the Footer
- Creating a Sidebar Widget Area