How to Set FileZilla to Open and Edit Files with Notepad++

When installing and using FileZilla FTP client for the first time, it won’t allow you to right-click files and instantly edit them using code editors, like Notepad++.
You want to quickly open and edit your PHP or SQL file but FileZilla won’t let you. In this tutorial, you will learn how to set your FileZilla to open and edit files in Notepad++ code editor.
If you are a beginner website builder, FileZilla is a free desktop program that allows you to transfer files and folders between your desktop and your remote website.
Such programs are most commonly called “FTP clients”. You can download FileZilla for Windows, Linux or Mac from the FileZilla project website.
Notepad++ is a code editing program, like Microsoft’s text editor Notepad. Only with Notepad++ you have much more useful options to work with the code.
Once you have downloaded and installed FileZilla on your desktop, follow the steps below. For the purpose of this tutorial, I will be working on my Windows PC.
Your task is to tell your FileZilla installation where it can find your Notepad++ files. Firstly, you will learn how to get your Notepad++ path. Then you paste it into your FileZilla. Let’s get started.
Step #1. Locate Your Notepad++ Shortcut Path
- On your Windows desktop, right-click the Notepad++ shortcut and then click Properties:
- You will see the Properties screen. Copy the path from the Target box:
You are now ready to set this path in your FileZilla.
Step #2. Set Your Notepad++ Path in FileZilla
- Launch FileZilla from your Windows Start menu:
You will see the FileZilla screen:
- In the left top corner, go to Edit > Settings:
- You will see the Settings screen. Click File Editing > Filetype associations:
You will see the Filetype associations box.
- For PHP files, copy the Notepad++ path into the File associations box with “php” (without double quotes marks) in front of the path
- Uncheck the Inherit system’s filetype associations checkbox
- Click OK
- Repeat the last three steps for any other file type you may need to open in FileZilla.
To test the result, connect to your server and right-click a file displayed by FileZilla.
You will see the file opened up in Notepad++ ready for editing:
Congratulations! You can now right click your php files and open them with your Notepad++ code editor!
Additional Reading
OSTips Video on FileZilla:
Thank you very much… Very Helpful
how about PNG files? open in Picture & Fax viewer, default at Windows?
Mejiwara, yes you can do that.
Irfan, you are welcome. 🙂
Nice post thanks a lot for sharing
Thank you, It’s working
Thanks a ton.. You saved my time..
thank u….. its very helpful
not work this file
php “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2014”
so tell me how can do this
copy the target url
Thank you very much… Very Helpful
Its Really helpfull,Thanks
Thanks a lot mate! Its working! Cheers
really helpful..just done..thanks
In step 3… I found the Properties Box… but in the “Start In” box… mine is Blank! It doesn’t have a location….
What do I do?
If you need to add more than one file type, just use a different line. And you can type %f after each setting, to open the file.
Empty Command “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CS5\Dreamweaver.exe”
Worked for me thanks sooooo much ;u; (June 2016)
not working
css “C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++.exe”
js “C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++.exe”
php “C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++.exe”
Error is :
Associated program not found:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++.exe
Hi and welcome, Siva! 🙂
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Are you serious?
Any luck on above error, i see the same error
php “C:Program Files(86)\Notepad++\Notepad++.exe”
very helpfull. thanks
Really great job, it worked for me.
You are welcome, Bk.
Thank you so much. it’s working for me.
Thanks, Abul Bashar. Glad to hear this tutorial helped you.
it was helpful
Thanks A lot…. ? That really saved me. ?
very much helpful
You are welcome, Rajesh and Tarek.
Really thanks!!! Now it works perfect!!!
This is probably the clearest, most objective, simplest guide pages I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen hundreds. Congratulations.
Guys am getting failed command, Failed to validate settings
thank you very helpful
Thank you so much, that was really helpful, bless you 🙂
We appreciate you and your feedback! Glad we could help.
After completing all the steps required to open .txt files, it is still defaulting to open in regular Notepad, not Notepad++. Please help how to change this maybe in FileZilla?
Try going to Settings>File Editing in Filezilla. On that panel you can set the default editor there. You can can simply browser and select the application you would like to set as default. Like in my screenshot you can see I’m using Sublime as my default editor (click the icon in the lower right to enlarge):
Thank you very much
thank you,very helpful
Thank you.. It’s working
Thank you so much, its working fine.
thank you very much, it really help
Thanks very much, you save may day
nice tutorial
Thank you, It’s working
Thank you! So aggravating that it wouldn’t follow my Windows default setting for php files. This worked perfectly. 🙂
Me salvaron la vida, muchas gracias. 🙂
Thank You so much. You helped me lot
Thanks sir!!
I had been struggling with opening my CSS file using Sublime Text. I followed the same process and I was able to open my desired extension (css, php, js) in my desired text editor. This article helped!
Awesome! So glad you found OST and that we have information that helped you! Thank you for taking the time to post here. Robbie has made an [url=]OSTips video for FileZilla[/url] if you’d like to check that out.
Thaaaaaank you very much this is so helpful
Thank you SO much… Seriously. I was pounding my head on the keyboard…
Thank you.. its working
Thankyou for helped
Thanks for your nice article.