Widget Context Allows Different Widgets on Different Pages

WordPress is making great strides as a CMS, but it does lack one feature found in most CMSs: the ability to control over which posts and pages your widgets appear on.
The Widget Context plugin is the best and most usable solution. It consists of a not much more than some radio buttons, some checkboxes and a box for URLs.
There are some more complex alternatives to Widget Context and these include Widget Logic, Display Widgets and Slayers Custom Widgets.
Step 1. Find and install the plugin

- Go to Plugins, then Add New.
- Type “widget context” into the search box.
- Click Install when the results list shows up.
Step 2. Go to your widgets page

- Go to Appearance, then Widgets.
Step 3. Select the widget to work with

- Click the down arrow to open the widget controls.
Step 4. Configure your choices

- Choose the selection method – Show on selected, Hide on selected or Hide. Hide makes it not show up at all.
- Check the box for the content type. It will only show on (or not show on) the types you select, depending on your selection method.
Option: Type in the target URL. Put only one URL per line. You can use an asterisk as a wild card to apply the rule to an entire category, a year, a month or just a single page. The note under the box gives you examples:
- to select front page.
- category/peace/* to target all peace category posts
- 2012/* to target articles written in year 2012.
Click Save. That’s it. You’re done. Just experiment to get it right.
Thank you for the great tutorial, It was super easy to follow and did just what I was looking for! Keep up the good work.